
Focusing on Student Success

A key component of The Bridge Academy’s curriculum is the use of Assessments that provide information to be employed in planning and implementing each child’s program. In addition, assessment is used to identify strengths that can be used to enhance performance and self-esteem.

Formal assessments are reviewed prior to admission to The Bridge Academy. However, when a child enters our school, teachers continue to assess the student’s progress in reading, writing, and mathematics in order to establish a baseline and to evaluate the effectiveness of our services. These same assessments are administered at the end of the school year and shared as part of the IEP process, with parents, students, and case managers.

Classroom level assessments support our diagnostic teaching, which is utilized as part of our instructional practice to provide corrective action. Informal assessments in all areas include classroom observations, teacher created tests, portfolios, projects, as well as oral presentations. Students are provided with a variety of opportunities to express their mastery of the material in all subject areas. In addition, students are included in monitoring their own progress. This enhances their insight of their own learning habits, fosters development of personal learning strategies, and alleviates anxiety, or pessimism.