Bridge Walk to Help Ukraine article

- April 12, 2022

On Friday, March 18, The Bridge Academy held a charity walk to raise money and awareness to help Ukrainian children and their families. “Many of our students have been concerned and wanted to take action to help,” explains Principal, Sue Morris. We have always tried to teach the children that in times of anxiety, they need to take action. For them to want to reach out to help is very much part of the school culture.

In February, students made scarves for the people in Ukraine and having a charity walk added to that desire to help. The school fosters the need to help others with community service projects.  “The students understand that they have been helped to go to The Bridge Academy. Their parents advocated for them, so they have a responsibility to help others,” Morris said.

That responsibility to help others was on display March 18, as the students – led by staff members – left the school and walked on Lawrenceville Road/Route 206 in support of the Ukrainian people. They carried posters and a blue and yellow Ukrainian flag. ‘The Bridge to Help Ukraine’ Walk is just one way we are empowering our students to make a positive difference.

With their parents help the students raised over $5,000 through sponsors and donations. The staff, through its Social House account, donated an additional $2,000. The students were able to present a check for $7,100 to representatives from St. George’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Hamilton to aid in their humanitarian efforts for Ukraine.

The representatives from St. George’s thanked the students profusely and explained how their donation will help them ship needed items directly to Ukraine. Students also were taught how to say Slava Ukraine!