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The goal of our Science curriculum is to promote scientific literacy so that our students are prepared to succeed in today’s increasingly technological world. A variety of teaching strategies are utilized to develop fundamental understandings in the life, earth, and physical sciences. In addition to content, a strong emphasis is placed on the development of critical thinking skills. Students are immersed in inquiry, through the use of laboratory experiments, interactive notebook activities, demonstrations, direct instruction, current events, technology and cooperative learning. Learning is measured through ongoing and embedded assessment.

Creek Gold Panning

Social Studies and History

The Social Studies and History curriculum offers students grade level content taught in a format that allows our students to comprehend and apply the concepts and themes. Themes for class content are selected with attention to the curriculum framework. All classes are taught in small groups using a variety of methods and materials. History, geography, economics, culture and government are taught. Students are encouraged to demonstrate their knowledge through alternative assessments that include role-playing, models, visual arts, technology, and oral presentations as some examples. Technology and the use of the internet as a research tool are key components to the courses.

Co-Curricular Programs

The Art curriculum exposes students to a variety of technique and medium in studying specific artists and cultural art. Graphic arts software is taught as part of the art curriculum and is offered to the youngest through those in high school level classes. Students learn how to self-express language and ideas through art.

Physical Education/Health provides the students with a well-rounded curriculum. The physical education curriculum includes non-competitive games, team sports, individual sports, personal fitness and social games with an emphasis on sportsmanship, teamwork, cooperation and reaching personal goals. Health education content includes safety, drug education, family living, and healthy living, making personal choices, current events, environmental factors and body systems. Cross-content study and organizational strategies are woven throughout the health education program.

Performing Arts is offered to all students at The Bridge Academy through student performances and is designed to provide an introduction to the fundamentals of drama. Student performances include set design and props that are created by the students.

Students in the upper school are enrolled in a Career Orientation class designed to explore post-secondary education, vocational training and career exploration. The scope and sequence of this curriculum includes community service, interviewing skills, career exploration, personal finance, understanding your learning disability, self-advocacy, independent living, preparation for post high school education, building a resume, and the college search and application process. Focused attention is given to each student’s interests and personal goals as delineated in the transitions section of their IEP.

Special Services Included

In addition to the school’s established curriculum, related student services are available based on the student’s Individual Education Program. These include speech-language, counseling and occupational therapy. Our specialists work closely with the student’s classroom teachers to ensure reinforcement of strategies and generalization of skills.

The philosophy of Speech and Language therapy at The Bridge Academy is to fill gaps in speech, language and learning skills where possible, and to provide benefits to the student. The majority of students who participate in speech and language therapy do so through the Integrative Services Model. This model explicitly addresses the skill development, application and maintenance phases of therapy. Integrative services include consultation with classroom teachers, speech, language and learning support within the classroom, and direct skill training outside the classroom. The type of service that is provided to an individual student may vary within a given school year, depending on changes in student development and curriculum demands. Heavy emphasis is placed on assessment and remediation of planning and organizational skills.

Self-advocacy and problem solving are ongoing focuses of our Counseling Services. Counseling supports the student’s development socially, emotionally and academically. As part of the counseling services, The Bridge Academy school counselor contacts district case managers to assist them in including students in a variety of district sponsored events, clubs and sports.