
AdmissionsThe Bridge Academy has a rolling admissions process, and applications can be submitted throughout the school year. The Bridge Academy accepts students either through a school district placement or a private placement by the child’s family.

The first step in the admissions process is to visit our school, either through an Open House or personal tour, to learn more about our unique educational program.

The next step is to complete an application. The application must be returned with the child’s relevant records: a recent (within three years) psychological and educational evaluation, and scores from individually administered educational testing (such as Woodcock-Johnson, WRAT, and WIAT).

The Bridge Academy does not discriminate in accepting students on the basis of race, religion, creed, sex, disability or ethnic or national origin. (School district representatives must submit pertinent information that is in accordance with or a result of N.J.A.C. 6A:14-3.4 through 6A:14-3.9).

Download Bridge Application Form

The Admissions Committee reviews all of the information and makes a preliminary determination which may be:

  1. The Admissions Committee feels that The Bridge Academy can provide a program that meets the student’s individual needs and the student, family and case manager (when LEA makes referral) will be asked to schedule an interview. Bridge Academy will communicate with the referring adult.
  2. Following a new student interview, the Admissions Committee will review the interview/assessment information and make a decision on enrollment. Students accepted for enrollment will be sent an acceptance letter.
  3. The Committee has questions that require additional information, and a request will be made for the information.
  4. If it is clear that The Bridge Academy cannot meet the needs of the individual student or that the placement would not be appropriate, a letter of denial will be sent.

Open House Schedule

Open Houses are held monthly for parents and professionals who wish to obtain more information regarding The Bridge Academy for a possible placement or referral for a child. Information will be presented regarding The Bridge Academy curriculum, the admissions process, a tour of the school, as well as the opportunity to ask questions.

For the 2024-2025 School Year, Open Houses are scheduled for:

  • October 15
  • November 12
  • January 7
  • February 11
  • March 11
  • April 15
  • May 13

All Open Houses begin at 9:30 am at the school.
If you are interested in attending one of our Open Houses, RSVP to (609) 844-0770.